Dental FAQs

+Why is fluoride important for my teeth?
Fluoride is mineral that helps protect teeth from decay. When incorporated in your diet, drinking water and toothpaste, it is able to strengthen the tooth structure. This helps reduce the risk of both tooth demineralisation and the formation of certain white spot lesions on the teeth.
+What are wisdom teeth and does everyone have them?
Wisdom teeth are the last molars to form. They usually erupt between 17-25 years of age, however this can vary. For some people, they form but will not erupt into the mouth. This is known as an impacted wisdom tooth. An impacted wisdom tooth can be problematic and should be checked by a dentist.
In some instances, wisdom teeth won’t develop at all. In most cases, missing wisdom teeth are not of concern.
+When do I need to have wisdom teeth removed?
This is different for everyone. Some people’s wisdom teeth will erupt into the mouth normally and will never need to be removed. Other people will have unerupted wisdom teeth that may not be able to make their way into the mouth if they are facing the wrong way or don’t have enough space to erupt. This should be assessed by a dentist who can help you determine whether they need removal and the best time to do this.
+What do I do if I have pain from my wisdom teeth?
It is common to have pain from wisdom teeth. The best treatment is to come for an assessment at the dentist who can give you the best advice on how to relieve it.
+Why should I have my teeth cleaned?
Food particles, plaque, bacteria and hard deposits accumulate on the tooth surface over time. Whilst cleaning your teeth at home is very important, your toothbrush can’t remove everything that the dental is able to. If your teeth are not cleaned properly and professionally, this can lead to bleeding gums and progress to gum disease.
+Can I loose teeth is if I have gum disease?
Yes. Unfortunately gum disease can lead to bone loss and pocketing between the teeth. When the bone loss and pocketing becomes severe, the teeth can become loose, painful and infected. This may lead to extraction of teeth.
+Can gum disease affect my health?
Yes. Gum disease has been associated with diabetes and heart disease.
+Is dental treatment for children free?
Your children may be eligible for free dental treatment under Medicare (Child Dental Benefits Schedule). This is a means testing government initiative. Our practice will be happy to assist with checking eligibility.
+Is my child is eligible for CDBS, what does that cover?

  • Check up
  • X-rays
  • Cleaning
  • Fillings
  • Fissure sealants
  • Extractions
  • Root Canal Therapy

+What happens if I have sensitive teeth?
Sensitive teeth can occur for a variety of reasons. These include:

  • Brushing too hard or with the wrong tooth brush
  • Eating and drinking acidic foods such as lemon on a regular basis
  • Erosion from medical conditions such as acid reflux
  • Gum disease where the root has become exposed
  • Grinding your teeth
  • Cracked or broken teeth